Owner and Director of Queens Taekwon-Do Center.
Member of the ITF International Umpire Committee.
Member of ITC Committee for the Development of The Caribbean and Central America.
Board of Directors, Unified ITFA.
"Bringing Taekwon-do to everyone around the globe!"
XXVI New York
Taekwon-do Tournament
Durante el fin de semana de Sept 28 y 29 del 2024 se realizó el XXVI ITF New York Tournament en Elmcor Center Gym in Corona, NY.
Contamos con la partcipacion de cerca de 200 competidores en representacion de 20 diferentes escuelas que se hicieron presentes durante este evento que volvió a retomar dos dias de competencia gracias a la cantidad de competidores, referees y espectadores presentes.
El torneo contó con un ambiente agradable, con suficiente espacio para compartir con las diferentes federaciones: Canada, Colombia, Anguila, Argentina y las escueles de diferentes partes del país (USA)
Queens Takewon-do Center y Master R. Suarez, quiere dar las gracias a todos los instructores, competidores y padres que se hicieron presentes; pero en especial gracias a los referees que hicieron un excelente trabajo, especialmente en la categoría de combate.
En esta edición del torneo, se volvió a realizar figuras por equipo, lo que marca un buen comienza para regresar a lo que era el torneo post pandemia. Pero también se agregó patadas en salto como una nueva categoría, donde todos los estudiantes tuvieron la oportunidad de partcipar y demostrar sus habilidades.
Lo más destacable de esta versión fue el uso de una sistema eléctronico identico al que se usan en los torneo internaciones, como la Copa del Mundo y el Mundial de la ITF. Master Naranjo hizó posible lo que se había pensado hacer algunos años atrás e implementó un programa de puntaje sin errores. Los errores que se presentaron fueron humanos y minímos. Así las diferentes mesas contaban con televisores donde coaches y competidores podían revisar el puntaje y estar informados sobre cualquier tipo de situación.
Con eso, nos queda solo dar las gracias, y expresar nuestros deseos de verlos de nuevo el próximo año.
During the weekend of September 28 and 29, 2024, the XXVI ITF New York Tournament was held at Elmcor Center Gym in Corona, NY.
We had the participation of nearly 200 competitors representing 20 different schools that were present during this event, which once again extended to two days of competition due to the number of competitors, referees, and spectators in attendance.
The tournament had a pleasant atmosphere, with enough space to share with the different federations: Canada, Colombia, Anguilla, Argentina, and schools from various parts of the country (USA).
Queens Taekwon-do Center and Master R. Suarez would like to thank all the instructors, competitors, and parents who attended, but especially the referees who did an excellent job, particularly in the sparring category.
In this edition of the tournament, team patterns were once again performed, marking a good start to returning to what the tournament was like before the pandemic. A new category, jumping kicks, was also added, where all students had the opportunity to participate and showcase their skills.
The most noteworthy aspect of this version was the use of an electronic system identical to those used in international tournaments, such as the World Cup and the ITF World Championship. Master Naranjo made possible what had been planned years ago and implemented a flawless scoring program. The errors that occurred were human and minimal. Thus, the different tables had televisions where coaches and competitors could review the scores and stay informed about any situation.
With that, we can only say thank you, and we look forward to seeing you again next year.

179th International
Instructors Course
The 179th International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF) International Instructors Course (IIC) was held in Jamaica at the National Sports Complex, Kingston, from Friday, August 23 to Saturday, August 24, 2024. This IIC was organized and hosted by the Jamaica Taekwon-Do Association.
We are pleased to report that there was a total of 82 participants from around the world including Trinidad & Tobago, United States of America, Barbados, Canada, Dominica Republic, Anguilla, Puerto Rico, and Jamaica. The environment was a lovely one with friendships being renewed. The participants were afforded the opportunity to enjoy the Jamaican culture, the food, the music, the beautiful people, and the beaches. The IIC sessions being conducted from 8:45 am to 4:30 pm daily. Participants shared high praises for the quality of the presentation for this IIC by the ITF Technical Committee and the Organization Committee.
43rd Qualifying International Umpire Course
The 43rd Qualifying International Umpire Course was held on 24th and 25th February 2024, in La Guardia Plaza Hotel, New York, USA.
It consisted of a 2-day period for a total of 12 hours. It was delivered in English and Spanish, the two official languages of the ITF.
There were 87 participants from 10 countries (in alphabetical order): Anguilla, Canada, China, Colombia, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and USA. It is important to highlight the active participation of eight (8) ITF Grand Masters.
The course was conducted by the ITF Umpire Committee, led by the ITF UC Chair, Grand Master Abelardo Benzaquén (Argentina), and Master Kurt Ottesen, member of the Umpire Committee (Canada) with the special participation of the Organizer of the event, Grand Master Rubén Suárez (USA), also a member of the Umpire Committee.
During the two days of the international course,
the participants had the opportunity to learn about the ITF Rules of Competition in theoretical and practical mode, and all enjoyed the “tournament mode,” where most of the participants could train with the official ITF electronic system.
The ITF Umpire Committee wants to express its gratitude to the Organizing Committee of the 43rd QIUC, leaded by GM Suárez, and also to all the participants and very specially to the ITF Board, leaded by GM Paul Weiler for their support.
Grand Master Abelardo Benzaquén
ITF UC Chairman
El curso de Árbitros Internacional número 43º se llevó a cabo los días 24 y 25 de Febrero del 2024, en el Hotel La Guardia Plaza, Nueva York, Estados Unidos.
Consistió de un fin de semana de 2 días, con un total de 12 horas. Fue dictado en inglés y en español, los dos idiomas oficiales de la ITF.
Hubo 87 participantes de 10 países (en orden alfabético): Anguila, Canadá, China, Colombia, Guatemala, Jamaica, México, Puerto Rico, República Dominicana y Estados Unidos.
Es importante destacar la participación activa de ocho (8) Grandes Maestros ITF.
El curso fue impartido por el Comité de Árbitros de la ITF, encabezado por el Presidente de la ITF UC, Gran Maestro Abelardo Benzaquén (Argentina), y el Maestro Kurt Ottesen, miembro del Comité de Árbitros (Canadá) con la participación especial del Organizador del evento, Gran Maestro Rubén Suárez (EE.UU.), también miembro del Comité de Árbitros.
Durante los dos días del curso internacional,
los participantes tuvieron la oportunidad de conocer las Reglas de Competición de la ITF en modo teórico y práctico, y todos disfrutaron del “modo torneo”, donde la mayoría de los participantes pudieron entrenar con el sistema electrónico oficial de la ITF.
El Comité de Árbitros de la ITF quiere expresar su agradecimiento al Comité Organizador del QIUC número 43, liderado por el GM Suárez, y también a todos los participantes y muy especialmente al Board de la ITF, encabezado por el GM Paul Weiler, por su apoyo.
Grand Master Abelardo Benzaquén
ITF UC Chairman

Congratulations to the ITF America Umpires representing
our federation in the World Cup in Finland this year.
Gm Ramirez
Máster Naranjo
Máster Mejía
Máster Bernard
Master Ranieri
Master Perez
Master Benites
Mr. Rupert Shrouder
Mr Poteet.
Advanced Black Belt Test
Colombia, August 2023

On behalf of the International Taekwon-o Federation and with the authorization of GM Marano, we (GM Gonzalo Camelo - ITF Plaque #105000; GM Carlos Ramirez - ITF Plaque #607741 and myself, GM Ruben Suarez - ITF plaque # 102003) tested Mr. Andrés Rivadeneira for 5th degree.
Before testing him, we asked him to get authorization from the Japan Federation, which he got. He needed to have his paperwork in order, including the yearly payment for his 2023's plaque, and he needed to comply with the ITF minimum requirements for this level.
We want to manifest that Mr. Rivadeneira did a good test, receiving a 7/10 score 7/10. His technique was good, and even though there is always room for improvement, he will continue working on his technique.
At the end of the seminar, we announced the results in front of all IIC participants: the president of the ITF GM Wiler, GM Marano, Chairman of the IIC, and GM Un Kim Lang.
167th IIC in Bogota, Colombia
August 21, 2023
Organised by the Colombian Taekwon-Do Association, the 167th ITF IIC was held at the Radisson Metrotel Hotel in Bogota, Colombia, from 18 to 20 August 2023.
It was attended by practitioners from 12 countries (Germany, Anguilla, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, United States, Honduras, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and Trinidad & Tobago) including 5 grand masters, 2 senior masters and 7 masters.
Among the special guests were ITF President, Grand Master Paul Weiler, and Treasurer Master Leo Oros Duek.
A unique IIC not only for the number of countries and 120 participants, but also for the impact of the return of the IIC to the Caribbean region, confirming the aim of the technical committee to bring the technical legacy of General Choi to every corner of the 5 continents.
GMs Héctor Marano and Ung Kim Lan, offered as always, 3 days of knowledge and unrepeatable anecdotes.
The first day they reviewed all forms of colour, with particular emphasis on the basics and methodology of correction from the first steps.
GM Ung also shared general concepts of self-defense and sparring.
On Saturday 19th during the afternoon, Sabum Nim Gaston Casero, chairman of the Harmony Committee, gave a practical presentation of his programme, which is already becoming a success in several countries, thus achieve its main objective: to bring Taekwon-Do to more people in order to improve their quality of life.
During the evening the traditional gala dinner was held which allowed all participants to enjoy the camaraderie of our art.
Sunday 20th started with a special class on physiology and anantomy by ITF President, Grand Master Paul Weiler, which included general advice on warm-up and how to protect muscles and joints.
For the last block, the 4-6 dan forms were reviewed while the rest of the group reviewed their forms with Grand Master Rubén Suárez.
In addition to the quality of the general content, the participants highlighted the care of the organisation in every detail, giving an unforgettable extra brightness.
In other words, a new IIC that amply achieved the expectations of all participants and the ITF.
Colombia is proud to have once again hosted a world-class event.
First ITF Course on Governance Strategy
August 20, 2023
The “FIRST ITF COURSE ON GOVERNANCE STRATEGY” was held in the city of Bogotá, Colombia, on August 17 and 18, 2023, in connection with the IIC167 organized by the Colombian Taekwon-Do Association. An innovative experience aimed at contributing to the training of future leaders in the Americas and the Caribbean.
Thirty leaders from 12 countries (Germany, Anguilla, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, United States, Honduras, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, and Trinidad & Tobago) participated. Among the most prominent participants were GM Paul Weiler, ITF President , GM Héctor Marano, chair of the ITF Technical and Instruction Committee, GM Ung Kim Lan, Member of the ITF Technical and Instruction Committee, and Master Leo Oros Duek, ITF treasurer.
Topics ranged from how to develop a business plan to the importance of Do in leadership and governance, from the development of the new ITF TKD app to the importance of communication in leadership.
The speakers, GM Ung Kim Lan, Master Leo Oros Duek, Master Janel Gauthier, Sbn Ryan Rampair and Sbn Gustavo Livon had the opportunity to develop their proposals and interact with the leaders present. This achieved one of the main objectives, which was to share and exchange experiences from the perspectives of different parts of the world.
All attendees received printed material from all the presentations and were given an ITF tie as a souvenir.
This course was inspired by the first leadership course held in Honduras in 2006 under the presidency of GM Trần Triệu Quân, which was a milestone in the training of our leaders. Thus, GM Weiler, as part of his development and growth plan, promoted the implementation of this course with the perspective of not only implementing it in other continents but also in the evolution of the content for future courses.
The ITF continues to build the future through practice and training.
Jul .23 .2023
On July 23 we had the pleasure of promoting a group of advanced black belts at QTC. Congratulation on a well-deserved promotion to all the students who were tested that day.

Congratulations to our new GreenBelts:
Kadeen López. Edilberto Galvez and Tony Luik.
I want to congratulate all students who took part in the test today. The test started at 9 am; Students showed their abilities in fundamental movements, kicking, patterns, and combinations. Step sparring, pre-arranged, self-defense, and breaking. One week before, they also took the physical part and the knowledge test. Of course, all students pass the minimum required. I will release the result later, so they can improve on those results.
Congratulations again!
I hope to see you soon in class.
Quiero felicitar a todos los estudiantes que presentaron hoy la parte técnica de su examen de ascenso. El examen empezó desde las 9 am donde los estudiantes demostraron su cualidades realizando movimientos básicos, patadas, combinaciones, figuras, combate pre-arreglado, combate libre, defensa personal y rompimientos.
Además una semana anterior realizaron su parte física y presentaron su conocimiento realizando un examen en google drive. Por supuesto todos pasaron el minino exigido logrando. Les estaré enviando su resultados de los diferentes pruebas para que tengan una referencia y puedan mejorar sus resultado en un futuro no muy lejano. Felicitaciones y espero verlos de nuevo.
Training with
The Legend Seminar
(May 2023)
On May 21, 2023, a combat seminar with the legend Julio Carlos, six-time ITF World Champion (3 ITF Word Cup and 3 ITF Word CHAMPIONSHIPS) was successfully held at Queens Taekwon-do Center.
With the participation of 30 students from different schools, for 4 hours. Julio demonstrated displacement movements, their application as well as different techniques and tactics that he frequently uses in combat demonstrating control and mastery over them.
At the end of the seminar, he made some observations and motivated the students to continue practicing tirelessly the movements until they achieved their perfection and that the results were going to be given depending on the dedication of each one. He recounted his history and some points that have helped him to be one of the great competitors of the ITF.
At the end certificates of participation were delivered and GM suarez desire could perform in year two or three seminars with Julio being liked by the participants
En May 21, 2023 se realizó con éxito en Queens Taekwon-do Center un seminario de combate con la legenda Julio Carlos seis veces campeón mundial de la ITF (3 ITF Word Cup and 3 ITF Word CHAMPIONSHIPS)
Con la participación de 30 estudiantes de diferentes escuelas, durante 4 horas. Julio demostró movimientos de desplazamientos, su aplicación como también diferentes técnicas y tácticas que el usa frecuentemente en el combate demostrando control y dominio sobre ellas.
Al final del seminario hizo algunas observaciones y motivo a los estudiantes a seguir practicando incansablemente los movimientos hasta lograr su perfección y que los resultados se iban a dar dependiendo de la dedicación de cada uno. Hizo un recuento de su historia y de algunos puntos que le han ayudado a ser uno de los grandes competidores de la ITF.
Al cierre se entregaron certificados de participación y GM suarez deseo pode realizar en año dos o tres seminarios con Julio quedando de agrado de los participantes
(2022 - Corona, NY)
Last month, we participated in the Legacy tournament with a delegation of 50 students and young judges eager to support the tournament. We made many fun memories and sharpened our skills on the mat. On behalf of the school, we want to thank all the parents supporting competitors and the coaches helping out. Here are the results:
El mes pasado participamos en el Legacy Tournament con una delegación de 50 estudiantes y jueces jóvenes, quienes apoyaron el torneo. Creamos muchos recuerdos divertidos y perfeccionamos nuestra habilidad en competencia. En nombre de la escuela, queremos agradecerles a todos los padres que apoyaron a los competidores y a los entrenadores que ayudaron. Aquí están los resultados:
Cortes Juan P
David De Jesus
Jennifer Esclane
Joel Macias
Kamila Solis
Marko Demkiv
Raymundo Carreto
Mora James
Kingsley He
Ahdik Boni
Alison Escalante
Andriy Savisktia
Coraline Mendez
Henry Pauta
Laura Cufino
Luis Vizuete
Nicole Galdeano
Sebastian Garcia
Sebastian Guerrero
Sharleny Castillo
Shylene Castillo
Alejandra Vidal
Cristian Vera
Kimberly Luna
Ragnar Nigul
Anthony Monzecahuatl
Rawal Hadrik
Alex Guaraca
Alison Escalante
Ashley Carreto
David De Jesus
Henry Pauta
Jennifer esclane
Joel Macias
Kamila Solis
Kimberly Luna
Raymundo Carreto
Renato Perez
Ruben Suarez
Sebastian Guerrero
Sharleny Castillo
Shylene Castillo
Anthony Monzecahuatl
Kingsley He
Ahdik Boni
Cristian Vera
Cortes Miguel
Cortes Juan P
Ethan Miranda
Luis Vizuete
Andrew Rafael
Alejandra Vidal
Rawal Hadrik
Joel Campoverde
Andriy Savisktia
Coraline Mendez
Ellis Juela
Emsley Juela
Genesis Lucero
Mathew Sedano
Nicole Galdeano
Ragnar Nigul
Sebastian Garcia
Stephanie Campoverde
Thank you for your
Participation and Support:
Brian Saldana
Diego Mendez
Dylan Valverde
Edward guaraca
Mylan Valverde
Rosalyn Visuete
Saul Carreon
Cristian Lopez
ITF QIUC36, Midlothian, TX
ITF Qualified International Umpire Course, Midlothian, TX, May 7-8, 2022
ITF America, in partnership with Poteet Martial Arts, was host to ITF QIUC o 36 in Midlothian, TX, on May
7 th & 8 th , 2022. The course was instructed by the ITF Umpire Committee Chair, Master Benzaquen, along with committee member GM Ruben Suarez. Supporting them was ITF Technical Committee member
GM Pierre Laquerre. Attending were 47 participants from 7 countries, including Anguilla, Canada, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, and the United States.
Master Benzaquen conducted the official opening of QIUC36 and welcomed the participants to the
course. He, along with GM Suarez, followed with an overview of a typical World Championships and the
roles of the umpires. Rules and formalities for pattern competition, including team competition, was
covered next with umpires practicing entering and exiting the ring and the use of hand signals to move
competitors in and out of the ring.
GM Laquerre discussed the new relationship between the Umpire Committee and the Technical
Committee and noted that this was the first IUC in which a member of the Technical Committee
attended in support of the Umpire Committee.
Sparring competition rules were covered next, with participants able to view videos of World
Championship bouts to demonstrate the speed of the competitors and difficulty in correctly identifying
a point.
To demonstrate the difficulty in judging patterns and assist the umpires on things to look for, GM
Laquerre observed 2 competitors performing a pattern one technique at a time pointing out deductions
that could have been taken for each competitor.
The course closed on Sunday afternoon with awarding of certificates and Mr. & Mrs. Poteet presenting
Master Benzaquen, GM Suarez and GM Laquerre authentic cowboy hats.
Fellowship is also an important part of these events, with participants gathering at a local restaurant on
Saturday evening and a large group joining Master Benzaquen, GM Suarez and GM Laquerre for a trip to
the Fort Worth Stockyards on Sunday to complete the Texas experience.
El Maestro Ramirez, ahora GrandMaster Ramirez, ha demostrado su perseverancia en este camino através de sus mucho logros. Entre ellos se ha destacado por ser parte del comité de ética de la ITF, por ser presidente de jurado y valioso miembro del equipo de jurado en muchos torneos de la ITF entre ellos la copa y el campeonato mundial. También fue vicepresidente de la NTA-ITF y grand exponente del TKD en Texas, lugar donde radica actualmente.
Felicitaciones a nuestro nuevo GrandMaster y gran amigo de la academia. Que este nuevo paso este lleno de orgullo y prosperidad!
Master Ramirez, now GrandMaster Ramirez, has shown his perseverance on this path through his many accomplishments. He has stood out as an important part of the ITF ethics committee. He has participated as a jury president and a valuable member of the jury team in many ITF tournaments, including the cup and the world championship. He was also vice president of the NTA-ITF and a great exponent of the TKD in Texas, where he currently lives.
Congratulations to our new GrandMaster and school’s great friend. May this new step be full of pride and prosperity!
TAE Kwon!
R.I.P. G. M. Pablo Trajtenberg

Today we mourn the passing of Grandmaster Pablo Trajtenberg who became acting President of the ITF following the tragic passing of Grandmaster Trân Triêu Quân in 2010. He was subsequently elected as ITF President at the ITF Congress in New Zealand in 2011 and was re-elected for a 2nd term at the 2015 ITF Congress in Jesolo, Italy. Prior to this GM Trajtenberg served as a board member of the ITF since 2003, holding the position of Senior Vice President prior to his election to the role of President. He also served as a member of the ITF Technical Committee along with Grandmaster Marano and Grandmaster Bos, visiting all continents to teach and standardize the techniques of ITF Taekwon-Do and placing an emphasis on the teaching of the ‘Do’ to carry on the mission of his predecessor GM Trân.
Grandmaster Suarez and the Queens Taekwon-do Center family wish to express our sincerest condolences to his family and loved ones as we lost a great master and friend.
R.I.P. GM Pablo Trajtenberg.
Hoy lamentamos el fallecimiento del Gran Maestro Pablo Trajtenberg, quien se convirtió en Presidente interino de la ITF luego del trágico fallecimiento del Gran Maestro Trân Triêu Quân en 2010. Posteriormente fue elegido Presidente de la ITF en el Congreso de la ITF en Nueva Zelanda en 2011 y fue reelegido para un segundo mandato en el Congreso de la ITF de 2015 en Jesolo, Italia. Antes de esto, el GM Trajtenberg se desempeñó como miembro de la junta de la ITF desde 2003, ocupando el cargo de Vicepresidente Senior antes de su elección para el cargo de Presidente. También se desempeñó como miembro del Comité Técnico de la ITF junto con el Gran Maestro Marano y el Gran Maestro Bos, visitando todos los continentes para enseñar y estandarizar las técnicas de Taekwon-Do ITF y poniendo énfasis en la enseñanza del 'Do' para llevar a cabo la misión. de su antecesor GM Trân.
El Gran Maestro Suárez y la familia del Queens Taekwon-do Center deseamos expresar nuestras más sinceras condolencias a su familia y seres queridos por la pérdida de un gran maestro y amigo.
R.I.P. GM Pablo Trajtenberg.
30 Años de Queens Taekwon-do Center
30 years of Queens Taekwon-do Center
Inícianos el mes cumpliendo años.
Este mes estamos celebrando nuestro aniversario número 30.
Hace 30 años empezamos este sueño y poco a poco, paso a paso se ha convertido en un sueño hecho realidad.
Gracias a nuestros estudiantes, instructores, maestros y padres y amigos por el apoyo incondicional y por siempre cree en nosotros.
Esperamos poder estar con ustedes muchos años más.
Mil Gracias.
We begin this month with our birthday!
This month we are celebrating 30.
30 years ago we started this dream and little by little, step by step it has become a dream come true. Special thanks to our students, our instructors, our masters, parents, and friends for the unconditional support and for always believing in us. We hope to be with you for a long time.
Thank you so much!
International Martial Arts Festival
October 22-24, 2021 / Orlando, FL
After more than two years, QTC returned to live competition last weekend, participating in the annual International Martial Arts Festical (IMAF) at the Wyndham Resort in Orlando, FL.
GM Suarez brought a team of 9 members to Florida for the 3-day long event, which features numerous styles of martial arts that include competition, demonstrations, seminars and more. The team brought home 16 medals in individual sparring and patterns. See Medal Winners here
In addtition, the group had a very active weekend. Friday was spent at Universal Studios, followed by the Sparring Seminar with Julio Carlos; on Saturday, the team participated in competition during the day and The Night of Champions where Julio Carlos and Jose Iglesias held a sparring demonstration match; on Sunday some enjoyed the day at EPCOT Center while others enjoyed the technical seminar offered by GM Nunez.
The team retured to New York on Monday with renewed energy to continue this return to competition in the near future.
We want to thank all the parents and family for your support to allow our team to enjoy this incredible experience.
Sparring Seminar with Julio Carlos via Zoom
June 21., 2020 - (From QTC: Jackson Heights, N.Y. - USA)

On behalf of the Original Taekwon-Do Federation of America (OTFA), Julio Carlos, Claudia Suarez and myself, I want to thank you for your participation in the Sparring Seminar with Julio Carlos held this past Sunday, June 21, 2020. The seminar started at 2:00 p.m. EST via Zoom, with the participation of students from various countries, including Argentina, Australia, Canada, Colombia, England, Spain, Guatemala, Hungary, Ireland, Malaysia, Moldova, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Russia, Saint Martin, Trinidad and Tobago, and the USA.
Julio Carlos—World Champion of the ITF Senior Championships and the ITF World Cup on multiple occasions—demonstrated the basic movements used in sparring, demonstrating an absolute mastery of what he does best. We recognize that it was not an easy job working virtually, and with many participants, but many have expressed their enjoyment for what was done in the class. While it is not an easy job, it is not an impossible one.
Seeing Julio perform the exercises, it seems easy. But at this level of skill is only achieved with tremendous discipline and countless repetition of the specific technique. Basically, most of what Julio described can be summarized in stepping, skipping, turning, side, "al pasito" V "and" M "stepping. Combinations can be made of these skills, depending on the level and skill of the competitor. The important thing was to start, then practice every day!
He also recognized that behind all that work there is always someone. He thanked Master Perlaza for being his guide and mentor on the competitive side, and his training partners, especially the women. without forgetting GM Suarez was the person who formed him and motivated him to continue on the path of Taekwon-do.
At the end of the session, Julio answered several questions about his training, extending the seminar longer than was expected. Given the number of questions raised, we hope to be able to hold a seminar in the future, with a more narrowed focus on the specific drills. We hope to count on your participation.
Again, we want to thank you very much for your participation and all the positive comments we have received about the seminar.
En nombre de la Federación de Taekwon-Do Original de América (OTFA), Julio Carlos, Claudia Suárez y mi persona, quiero agradecerles por su participación en el Seminario de Entrenamiento con Julio Carlos celebrado el pasado domingo 21 de junio de 2020. El seminario comenzó a las 2:00 pm EST vía Zoom, con la participación de estudiantes de varios países, incluyendo Argentina, Australia, Canadá, Colombia, Inglaterra, España, Guatemala, Hungría, Irlanda, Malasia, Moldavia, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Rusia, San Martín, Trinidad y Tobago, y los Estados Unidos.
Julio Carlos, campeón mundial Senior de la ITF y de la Copa Mundial de la ITF en múltiples ocasiones, realizo movimientos básicos utilizados por él en combate, demostrando un dominio absoluto de lo que hace mejor. Reconocemos que no fue un trabajo fácil trabajar virtualmente y con muchos participantes, pero muchos han expresado su satisfacción por lo que se hizo en la clase. Si bien no es un trabajo fácil, no es imposible.
Al ver a Julio realizar los ejercicios, parece fácil. Pero este nivel de habilidad solo se logra con una tremenda disciplina e innumerables repeticiones de una técnica especifica. Básicamente, la mayoría de lo que Julio describió puede resumirse en pasos, saltos, giros, laterales, "al pasito" V "y" M ". Se pueden hacer combinaciones de estas habilidades, dependiendo del nivel y la habilidad del competidor. ¡Lo importante es comenzar y luego practicar todos los días!
También reconoció que detrás de todo ese trabajo siempre hay alguien. Dio la gracias a Master Perlaza por ser su guía y su mentor en la parte competitiva, y a sus compañeros de entreno, especialmente a las mujeres. sin olvidar a GM Suarez fue la persona que lo formo y le motivo a seguir en camino del Taekwon-do.
Al final de la sesión, Julio respondió varias preguntas sobre su entrenamiento, extendiendo el seminario más de lo esperado. Dada la cantidad de preguntas planteadas, esperamos poder celebrar seminarios en el futuro, con un enfoque más limitado en los ejercicios específicos. Esperamos contar con su participación. Nuevamente, queremos agradecerles mucho su participación y todos los comentarios positivos que hemos recibido sobre el seminario.
Grand Master Suarez - Memories with General Choi
August 28, 2020 / International Taekwon-Do Federation (itftkd.sport)
GM Suarez was featured last month in the ITF News as part of a series of Memories with General Choi. As one of the diminishing group of individuals with first-hand experience working with our founder, GM Suarez was happy to share his experiences with the General before his death in 2002.
Click below to see the original article.
Congratulations Grand Master Suarez!
May 28, 2020 - East Elmhurst, NY

On December 30, 2019 Master Suarez received notice from the ITF of his promotion to Grand Master (IX Dan). As per protocol, the official certificate was due to be presented at the next ITF World Cup that was scheduled to be held in Slovenia, October 2020. Due to the worldwide pandemic, there was a massive cancellation of all ITF-related activities worldwide, including the upcoming 2020 World Cup. In turn, the ITF delivered the certificate directly to Queens, NY.
It's now official! And we await the virtual celebration!
On behalf of all your students, instructors, family, and friends, we extend the highest congratulations to the most well-deserved individual.
We are proud of you, Sa-sun Suarez, A-9-7.

2019 XXIV ITF NY Taekwon-Do Tournament
September 29., 2019 - Queens College - Flushing, NY

COVID-19 Virtual Training: QTC on Zoom
March 16., 2020 - New York, USA
On Monday, March 16, 2020, as the worldwide epidemic of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) made its way into the heart of New York, QTC and all neighboring TKD schools and gyms were ordered by the government to close their doors until further notice. By the end of the week, Grand Master Suarez and Sabum Claudia Suarez forever dedicated to teaching their art, had a virtual class schedule running via Zoom. The online communications platform has since acted as our beloved do-jang until it is once again safe to open our doors.
Since it started, the virtual training schedule has maintained a steady following by those most dedicated students who have continued to make TKD their priority in this most difficult time. We have also attracted a number of students from outside QTC who join us from around the country and abroad, including parts of Central and South America and the Caribbean, among others.
GM Suarez wishes everyone good health and strong spirits and extends his deepest gratitude to all those who have continued to support QTC. We hope to be together again this July, reporting live from our home in Jackson Heights, N.Y.
2019 NY XXIV Tournament RIFA
September 20., 2019 - QTC
On Friday, September 20 QTC held the drawing for the XXIV NY Tournament Raffle. The Grand Prize--a 60" 4K HDTV--was won by Winning # 7883 bought by Marlene Padilla. Congratulations on your prize!

NTA-ITF Black Belt Pattern Training
August 17 - Jackson Heights, NY
Master Suarez held the last Black Belt High Degree Pattern Training of the year on August 17. Thank you to Gloria Rodriguez, Rupert Shrouder, Norberto Taveres and Mr. Z. John Skapars for your participation.

2019 Summer Black Belt Testing
July 21 - Jackson Heights, NY
Master Suarez held the 2019 Summer black belt testing on Sunday, July 21. Congratulations to everyone on a job well done!
Stephanie Suarez, IV Dan
Jennifer Throo, IV Dan
Ronald Ramirez, IV Dan
Milo Robinson, III Dan
Ruben Suarez Jr., I Dan
Maribel Zuniga, I Dan
Brian Gonzalez, I Dan
Good luck to you all moving forward in this amazing journey!